Time in Thailand


Friday, June 27, 2014

Down Day

I am recuperating today from a three day marathon at Bangkok Hospital. I apologize to all my readers that I do not have any experiences to share with you. I did shop for some pharmacy supplies that were prescribed. I was very happy to hear that USA is going on to the knock-out round of 16 teams in the World Cup Futbal Tournament. They play Belgium but since we are 12 hours different in time, the game comes on TV at 3:00 AM. I plan to eat my 4 dollar peach when I get off the computer. The pool is on the top floor of the hotel. There is a cooling system that runs to bring the temperature of the pool to a refreshing 80 degrees. This hotel is dwarfed by surrounding high rises. The peach was delicious! It was seriously the juiciest peach EVER and I am not saying that b/c of it's astronomical price. Here is one FYI for you today: Every Thai person has a nickname that they are informally known as. They are given this name at birth. The nickname is given to ward off evil spirits. The evil spirit is constantly on the lookout for new born children to snatch away and control. Using a nickname confuses the evil spirit and help keep the child safe. It is prevalent throughout the country to use nicknames and some kids may know each other for years and never know their friend's real name.

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