Time in Thailand


Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Here are a few numbers to compare the USA with Thailand. There are 3.8 million square miles of land in the USA with 315 million people living in America. Thailand has a total land area of 198,000 square miles. The population of the country is 68,000,000 people. Thailand ranks number 19 in world population of 182 reporting countries. 8 million of those people in Thailand live in Bangkok. Thailand is just a little larger than the state of California. The population of many cities has claimed all the usable land. In the case of picture number one, boats are built in a stationary spot to house a restaurant or shop to take advantage of the abundance of population to support the business I cannot get enough of those Mangosteens.

1 comment:

  1. Hello brother from NH, Very informative and some nice pictures. They must not have a lot
    of room left for planting with the population so high. I'd like to try those Mangosteens, they
    look very tasty. The White Temple looked like it was made out of ice and snow and was
    going to melt.
    Take care brother and be safe.
