Time in Thailand


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Return to Krung Kavee (GOLF COURSE)

It is always more difficult to pack your stuff when you have been to a city with shopping everywhere you turn. There were some good bargains but the highlight was meeting Todd from the USA. He is from San Francisco, California. We had supper and breakfast together yesterday and this morning. We met at a shop selling futbal jerseys. Todd interjected when I was about to agree to 1000 baht for the price a Messi jersey. He said to the seller, "600 Baht" Mai Chai, Mai Chai (no,no) She said 800 Baht and Todd said, "Mai chai, Mai chai, 700 Kinmet(last offer). OK, OK said the lady and I told Todd thank you. We began to chat after he saved me 10 dollars and I asked him if he had eaten supper. He agreed to join me. He began telling me that he has been in Bangkok for 3 years. WHY????? He told me: "I have changed my life, it’s simplified. I didn’t buy a car and rent a furnished condo, this eliminates loads of responsibility, bills and upkeep". He told me: "I pay the few bills I have at seven eleven, so there is no need to even have a checking account. The simplification in my lifestyle and reduction of the multitude of issues of things like a car has added to my enjoyment of living in Bangkok". Sounds like a hippie from the 60s to me(which is really cool), but he was only 32 years old. There are 7/11 stores every 200 meters. The ubiquitous store of Thailand. I always loved that word! He also eats out, mostly street-food, almost every night. He enjoys the experiences of eating out, it’s probably cheaper than going to the grocery store and buying everything to cook at home and is certainly much tastier. The widespread availability of food is a great part of Bangkok and keeping things simple- it would be an odd concept he said to move back to America and not be able to find fifteen different kinds of street-food within a ten minute walk of where he lives. He no longer mulls over the question of ‘when’ He will leave, it has now become ‘if’ he will ever leave, the changing of ‘when’ to ‘if’ is the definitive measure of his time in Thailand- He said it has been great and he has grown and learned from the experience. He can do this since he made a good salary for 8 years in computer technology and works in Bangkok consulting with American companies a couple days a week or whenever. I did not bring my Kodak charger with me so Todd will remain mysterious until next week when I return to Bangkok. That is why we have a long narrative and few pictures today. Mi wan thi di Have a good day. Thai money: 3220 Baht equals 100 US dollars. I have always enjoyed seaweed since I was 5 years old. My grandmother would get it in Nova Scotia and have a bushel basket in the pantry to pick at. This spicy seaweed in a bag is not like any seaweed I have ever had. I love it!!! CITY LIFE

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